PFI asset condition surveys - now or never

The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) has recently highlighted not only the important contribution that asset condition surveys make to the PFI expiry process, but the necessity to obtain these many years before the PFI expires, in order to allow sufficient time for mandating remedial action - if required - at the expense of the PFI contractors and operators, rather than it falling to the public sector organisation taking back the building at a later date. 

Inspections in demand as PFI milestones approach focuses on the 12-year limitation period under which contractors are liable to remedy defects. With more and more PFIs heading towards expiry, there will be increased demand for the specialist surveying skills and knowledge required, and the RICS urges PFI Managers to think well in advance about commissioning the necessary surveys and reports, rather than leaving it to within a few months of the deadline approaching.  

JCM’s team is able to offer specialist support to PFI Contract Managers planning for PFI Contract Expiry including access to RICS qualified personnel who can provide both initial, and indepth, asset survey advice.  

Adrian Lockwood, Commercial Buildings Surveyor

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